Southwest Coast District

   Minutes January 3, 2015

Meeting opened at 1:03 by President Ron Nurnberger.  Invocation by John L. Brown followed by the Pledge to the Flag.  President Nurnberger reminded all club presidents that they are the only voting member from their club unless they issue a proxy, in writing to the President or Secretary prior to the meeting. There were four proxies submitted for this meeting.

VOTING MEMBERS:  8 Board Members & 18 Club Presidents = 26 voting members present.

MINUTES from November 1, 2014  meeting were approved as posted on the web site.

Treasure’s Report was given by Margaret Hartzler.  It will be filed for the audit.  A copy will be attached to these minutes.  NOTE: It is our policy not to post our financial reports to the web site.  You may talk to any board member at any time as they each have a copy of the report.

1st Vice President Jerry Stannard – no report

2nd Vice President Dave Welsh – continuing his work on the corporate sponsorships. 50/50 program is set up and running well.

3rd Vice President Jim Smith reported PREVIEW sales are going well.

KOR Nancy Sclafani reported that 4 men and 1 lady have earned enough points to move up to Pro status. Also 3 men and 3 ladies have earned enough points to move to State Amateur status.

STATE DELEGATE Jerry Stannard – no report

ALTERNATE STATE DELEGATE John L. Brown – no report

PUBLICITY and PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE in absence of chairperson Sue Diadone, Pres. Nurnberger announced that Mel Erb, Charlie Hearn, and Gerald Wynn are in need of prayers due to health issues.


Pres. Nurnberger encouraged each club to come up with one sponsor for District Master’s Tournaments in March.  The clubs could also show their support through a monetary donation of their choosing.  Rarely do these tournaments turn a profit.

Pres. Nurnberger announced that there are monies still available from the 100th Anniversary Celebration.  A proposal was written but was turned down last year.  The proposal will be rewritten and submitted for funds from the anniversary fund to further shuffleboard.

2015-2016 FSA and SWCD tournament schedules are in process of being completed.   The October 29, 2015, tournament at Tri Par originally scheduled will need a host.  Golf Lakes has volunteered to host this tournament.  Trailer Estates will serve as backup if needed.

North Shore League and Manatee League are two traveling leagues that are active in our district.  If there are other leagues please let the district know.  We would like to work with the leagues in promoting their program.

John Brown introduced a proposal to add a STATE AM MASTER’S TOURNAMENT to the district program.  Proposal died to lack of motion. This is second time this proposal was introduced and lacked a motion each time.


       Motion to create a SWCD HOF (Hall of Fame) was approved with Jerry Stannard as its first chairperson.

Motion to allow alternates who play in the SWCD District Amateur Master’s tournament, to play in the next year’s tournament (but no more than two masters total), provided they did not play in the ENTIRE tournament (games) and they have not earned enough move-up points to reach State Amateur status the following October 1 was approved unanimously.

Motion effective immediately, January 3, 2015, that no two state amateur players may play together as partners in any SWCD district amateur tournament was approved.

Motion per State Tournament Director Glenn Monroe’s recommendations and Flordia State President Phil Rebhoiz written support, no move up points (to reach state amateur status) will be awarded to SWCD district amateur players who play in the annual District Master’s Tournament was approved.

Items Moved to March Agenda in order for club presidents to survey their members.

  1. Whether or not players who may qualify for the SWCD Open Masters give a two week (prior to tournament date) notice as to their intention to play or not.
  1. Whether or not the SWCD Open Masters format be changed to a 2 game per match format in place of the current 3 game format and thus start the tournament on a Thursday instead of a Wednesday. (Note: District Amateur tournament will continue to start on Wednesday.)
  1. Whether or not the SWCD allow host tournament sites to have a pro only format for their Thursday District Tournament.  Thus all State Am’s and District Am’s would play together that Friday.

Meeting adjourned. 3:15

Respectively Submitted,                                                                                                                            Joan Erwin, SWCD Secretary